I am back on the Imua Barack site because it's election time again, and I want to do anything I can to help.
He's steely, he's tough, he's funny, he's brilliant. He's Barack.
When I last wrote on this blog, Barack Obama had just been inaugurated and my language was still inspired by barackobamaismynewbicycle.com
You may remember that I was lucky enough to be a permanent substitute in his fifth grade class. I was new to Hawai`i and feeling all alone. I thought it must be worse for him because he was the only black kid in my class. Later, I found out he belonged here more than I did: he was black,
and he was white. Hawai`i has a word for that: hapa. He's half and half. He's the face of the best of America.
Yesterday my husband broke my Barack Obama coffee cup: I am getting a new one. When it gets here I will take a picture and post it.
P.S. I am going back on my politicalglow blog as well but that is reserved for clotheslining the other side.